Dive into the powerful intersection of racism and ableism with our educational video, “Racism + Ableism: How do you fight it?” In this eye-opening exploration, we define racism and ableism, shedding light on how these intersecting forms of discrimination impact individuals and communities. From systemic barriers to everyday microaggressions, we uncover the shared experiences of those marginalized by both racism and ableism. But we don’t stop there. We arm you with actionable tips and strategies to combat these injustices, empowering you to be a catalyst for change in your communities.
Download the Racism + Ableism discussion guide by clicking here.
Additional Resources
- What is Disability Justice?
- Disability Solidarity: Completing The ‘Vision For Black Lives’
- Intersections Between Racism and Ableism
- Anti-Black Racism and Ableism in the Workplace
- Disabled Asian Americans Deal With Racism and Ableism
- Watch: 5 Black Women Who Taught Me About Bodily Autonomy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=si4N9xLq3RQ&t=41s
- Watch: How Do You Imagine Black Disabled People During Juneteenth? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swZidWz-a3k
- Watch: A Basic Understanding of Accessibility https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKCUyCC7hys
- Read: The Past, Present, & Future of Disability Justice https://ignitebykerigray.com/the-past-present-future-of-disability-justice/
- Read: Unveiling Health Challenges Faced by Black Women with Disabilities https://ignitebykerigray.com/unveiling-health-challenges-of-black-women-with-disabilities/
- Read: Navigating Recruitment AI in the Complex Landscape of BIPOC and Disabled Communities https://ignitebykerigray.com/navigating-recruitment-ai-in-bipoc-and-disabled-communities/
Partners & Sponsors
Autistic Women & Nonbinary Network (AWN): https://awnnetwork.org/.
Chicagoland Disabled People of Color Coalition: https://chicagolanddpocc.wordpress.com/.
Connect With Us
Subscribe for more free YouTube lessons: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCURDvJ28YCqYXHtfsIsJAaA?sub_confirmation=1
Sign up for our newsletter: https://ignitebykerigray.com/email-list/
Follow us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/named-advocates/?viewAsMember=true
Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/namedadvocates/
The National Alliance of Melanin Disabled Advocates (NAMED Advocates) creates spaces for disabled leaders of color and BIPOC allies to gather, learn, connect, and grow around racial and disability justice.